Press Freedom: Gangnam Style Parody

26 Sep

With the passing of Kim Jong-il people around the world thought maybe there would be hope for North Korean people to live their lives without government controlled media. Unfortunately only little has changed. Within the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, article 53 grants North Korean citizens freedom of press and speech, only if media expressions are supportive of the government and the Workers’ Party of Korea (KWP). North Korean government predominantly owns the media. Everything that is printed and broadcasted in North Korea accentuates to reject individualism and accept the collective lifestyle. North Korean government influences and ultimately has complete power of the citizens through their media by using propaganda that is in favor of North Korea.

What is very interesting and may seek of a small turning point in North Korean press freedom is the parody film they made of Gangnam Style that was created in July by South Korean performer Mr.Park.

North Korean Parody Film

This video that North Korea released has a photo of the conservative South Korean presidential candidate Park Geun-hye’s face transposed on it. The lyrics on the bottom of the screen have Park Geun-hye defending his late dictator father, Park Chung-hee.




Post Made By: Ana Goldberg

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